Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Seattle Chemo Treatment Day One (Michelle)

My first day of chemo went fine. It took longer than I expected because they had me hooked up to IV fluid before, during & after. We were done about 11:30 am. I noticed a metal taste in my mouth later in the day & feeling a little funny, but not bad at all for the first day. They gave me something to help me sleep at night because one of the drugs they gave me today keeps you awake. I’m used to that though. I haven’t been able to sleep for the last few weeks. One of the side affects to what I’m going through is night sweats. I mostly just feel it on my head, which you think would be cold with it being bald.

1 comment:

Dr_Bahar_Azwar SpB k Onk said...

I am an Oncologist Surgeon far away in Indonesia and hava an experienced in giving chemotherapy. Here is an advice you must imagine that nausea, vomiting and other effect is a positive sign. It mean that there is a fight and soon you will be relieved.