Thursday, June 26, 2008

2008-June 26-Tricia possibly not donor & transplant pushed back

I met with my doctors Monday & got the results of the PET/CAT scan. The cancer did shrink from my last chemo treatment about 3 weeks ago, but it has already grown back very quickly. They didn’t know if they were going to be able to use Tricia as my donor anymore. They have a weekly meeting with all the doctors & experts on Wednesday mornings & were going to bring up my case to figure out what would be the best for me. There was a possibility my mom or Nathan would be my donor instead. My mom is a 50 % match & they would have had to finish the more extensive testing on Nathan’s blood to figure out if he would have worked. I don’t understand either why Tricia’s 100 % match wouldn’t be better than a 50 % match. It had to do with fighting the cancer a different way-something about fighting it with KIR instead of HLA. I don’t even know how to explain that one.

As of yesterday Tricia is still going to be my donor, but my transplant is going to be pushed back at least a month. I need more chemo first to push the cancer back down. They’re using something called MOP that was used back in the 70s or something. It isn’t used that often anymore, but it’s apparently what’s going to work best for me to continue forward with the transplant. I start tomorrow & have a second treatment next Friday, on the 4th. Then I’ll have another PET scan done & they’ll reassess after that. Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) is possibly wanting me to stay down in Seattle this whole next month, which is very frustrating to me. It is very difficult to mentally prepare for things when things keep changing by the minute. I want to be home until the transplant!!!

There was a fiasco with the Lovenox (the blood thinner shot). I apparently misunderstood the amount I was supposed to be taking & was overdosing on it. I got the usual bruising, itching & blisters, but I was bleeding more & got an extra bad case of blisters on my stomach that still are weeping all over & making a mess. A couple nights ago the itching was so bad I couldn’t sleep & felt like I was being tortured. Fun times. I am now on Warfarin (the pill form of blood thinner). Thank goodness. That’s actually not that good, but it’s the only choice right now. Warfarin takes longer to get in & out of your system than Lovenox. But they’re worried about the blisters getting infected & messing things up with the transplant date even more. So, until something happens in the next minute & changes everything again…this is the latest. =)

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