Monday, May 7, 2007

First Round of Chemo - Day 2

Written Saturday, May 5, 12:05 a.m.

Michelle came through the 1 hour chemo on Wed. just fine - and the 1 hour Thursday was ok too, and she was ok yet when I stopped in at the hospital this morning about 9:30. But as the day progressed her neck started swelling and got very red. They think it was an allergic reaction to the chemo so prescribed more pills. Denny stopped in after school and stayed until I got there from work - she did the last 1 hour chemo and was really feeling punk by then.

Just watching the process of getting her checked out from when I got there a little after 5:00 until the time we left sure hasn't left me with a lot of assurance in the medical system - the right hand doesn't seem to know what the left hand is doing. Communication from Oncology to the hospital and over to the pharmacy isn't the greatest so it was a bit discouraging getting all the loose ends tied up to get out of there finally by 7:00pm. There doesn't seem to be a lot of efficiency - is it this way in most hospitals and clinics? Now I know why my boss's wife stayed with him 24/7 through his chemo etc.

It was overwhelming to see and hear all the instructions for cleaning the Hickman tubes, how to give herself the nupigen shots to build up her white count, how to keep everything clean and dry, etc. and keeping track of all the medications she has to take - whew!

Anyway, we got her home and settled in - think she was ready for a good night's sleep.

PS. For anyone interested or anyone who asks where to send donations Michelle has a new 'Donations' account set up at Skagit State Bank for this. The account was just set up Tuesday for this purpose. Hope that helps with any who ask.

1 comment:

Brad V said...

Michelle. Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you. Thanks for keeping us posted!!