Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Second Round of Chemo - Melba

Michelle had Dr. appt. Tues. to check her blood count before her second round of chemo - an hr. today at 8:00. Her counts were back to normal, which is good. We did ask whether Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and Group Health have all the pre-authorizations etc. settled and set up - Tami, the nurse called Medo (pronounced May do) at SCCA and she said all was ok. But when Michelle called Lynn at Group Health, Lynn was still confused by SCCA's scheduling - I sure hope those to fine institutions can get their act together before next week before us unknowlegable ones show up. It's a bit disconcerting to say the least.

The really great news is that Michelle is finally feeling ok again. She has had 3 back to normal days, which, I hope, means that the blood clot is dissolved. She asked Dr. Raish if she could work today after chemo, but there are 3 co-workers who are sick with colds (and are working) so he said at this point it wouldn't be a very good idea. Her health and staying healthy is of utmost importance right now. So, praise the Lord that she is feeling well, that her blood counts are
normal, and that we are getting mentally prepared for our stay in Seattle - our hope is that it will only be a week, but are prepared for longer if needs be.

Thanks again for all your prayers - we appreciate them and are so thankful to know the Lord is beside us every day no matter what we're going through.

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