Thursday, May 31, 2007

Update - Tricia

I spoke with Michelle yesterday, and she sounded in good spirits. There are so many random medical tests and scans and blood drawings that I'm not quite qualified to give a rundown of (too many details - too much for my brain to remember!), but she did mention that the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance seems to have it together - their offices are calm, well run, it's easy to get to, easy to park at, people are friendly, things are on time, and most of all, they communicate clearly. Definitely an answer to prayer after all the run-around they've been getting elsewhere. It's nice to know that some places understand the importance of providing a well-run environment for people who are already dealing with enough with their health issues.

I do know after her first day (Tuesday) of having tests and blood drawn, she started feeling nauseous at the clinic and when she and my mom got to the apartment at about 5:00 p.m., she was out for the evening. When I spoke with her yesterday, though, she seemed to be doing fine.

As of yesterday, they still only have limited access to email and the internet, which should be resolved soon. For now, despite the circumstances, I am personally grateful for the time it can give my mom to read, walk and relax a bit in the evenings!

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