Sunday, July 15, 2007

July 15, 2007-discharged from Virginia Mason

I was discharged from Virginia Mason Hospital this afternoon! Woo hoo! My oncologist from Group Health , Dr. Feldman, tried pulling the catheter out of my neck 3 times, but it wouldn’t budge. I was clenching onto my legs for dear life in case it was painful. Thank goodness it wasn’t. It’s a little sore right now though. We’re at the Northgate apartment tonight for one last night. (Sigh) Dr. Feldman is going to call us tomorrow morning when he wants us to come in & have a surgeon do some clipping or something & take the catheter out. I should be home in Mt. Vernon tomorrow afternoon sometime! Yea! I feel good. I’m just really, really tired. I am pooped out just from taking a shower. I’m on a soft food diet right now. It’s very difficult to swallow anything else. I have to chew forever otherwise it just scrapes down my throat-NOT comfortable at all. I am sooooo happy to be going home & finally sleeping in my own bed. I hated the night time because it would just drag on. I had such a hard time sleeping. I finally asked for something to make me sleep last night & it worked pretty good. I am allowed to have visitors, but only if you are not sick or been around people who are sick. You need to be completely healthy. My immune system is going to be down for a long time & I am going to be very susceptible to germs, bacteria, infection, etc. I am absolutely up for visitors & would love to see you. I miss everyone. I really feel very blessed again this second round of cancer as to how everything went for me. Thank you for all your prayers.

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