Saturday, July 7, 2007

Saturday Update - Melba

Michelle was admitted to Virginia Mason Hospital yesterday after her appt. at Group Health - her throat was so SORE she couldn't eat or drink and swallowing was very painful. Once she was admitted everyone had to come poking and prodding and getting their own pieces of information - blood draws from her double Lumen Hickman catheter and the veins in her hands, x-ray, blood pressure, temp., weight, etc. etc. She is on fluids, anti-nausea, anti-biotics, and morphine and received 2 bags of blood platelets last evening as her ANC (those are something to do with white blood cells) was too low. She hasn't had a fever and diarrhea has tapered off, which are both very good. She tried to eat a vanilla shake but up it came and she's had a few other bouts of that.

The morphine keeps her pretty well out of it so she wanted me to stay so I can ask questions and write down info. The sort of recliner in the room wasn't too bad, but we are across from the nurses station, which is noisy and of course, she gets checked for this and that all night or a beeper goes off on one of the pumps for morphine or fluids because there's an air bubble or something - not peaceful.

We are so thankful for medications and these great nurses and
doctors. - course it would be less confusing if they all agreed on the way things are done, but they don't so it keeps us confused as to what's best. I'm learning to ask questions and suggest things - we just hope they all know what they're doing. :)

Michelle isn't up for visitors and with her white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets so low she has not much to fight any infection at this point. Supposedly this will continue for at least 5 days so our prayer is that by next Wed. she will be on the upward swing.

Thanks again for your prayers for her - Melba

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