Wednesday, July 11, 2007

T+8 - update evening Tuesday, July 10

Dr. Feldman from Group Health stopped by to see Michelle today about 11:00 AM just when she was vomiting again. And she was itching badly so he took her off morphine (not sure if that's what's causing the itching or not) and put her on Delotid and gave her more anti-nausea medication. The Delotid really put her out - she slept all afternoon and the nurse finally got concerned cuz she was sleeping so deeply so called the Dr. They lessened the amount of Delotid and when Denny called about 7:00 she was finally coming out of it and was awake, but not enough to take phone calls yet.

Her vitals have been stable today - pulse, temperature etc. so that is good. Her white blood cells have gone up a little, finally, from 100 to 200 (need to be in the 5,000 - 10,000 range). Though the Dr. has now changed her diet to fluids like broth, jello, and other soft foods she is still not able to eat. They moved her to another room this afternoon cuz her room was across from the nurses station and they needed it for a patient on whom they needed to keep close watch. Anyway, from her new room she can see I-5 and Lake Union to the northwest - Den said he could see a lot of sailboats out this afternoon.

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